One of the documentaries that we saw that I
thought was astonishing both good and bad was the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao
by Frank Gehry. What I liked about this museum was its design and that the
material it was made out of which is titanium and it sparkles with the rays of
the Sun shining upon it which it makes it look very beautiful. I also like that
when the visitors would enter a new place in the museum to see art they would
get surprised because the rooms would be a different color than the walkways.
Another thing that I really liked about it is that it’s on the tip of what
seems to be the ocean next to it and I think that that makes the building stand
out even more and so makes it look very beautiful.
Some things that I didn’t like about
the museum was that half of it is empty space and so I think that that is just
a waste of space because in my opinion that space could be used for something
else like more art. I understand that most people use that space to do whatever
they want but I think that since the museum is a valuable museum it should be
considered like one in the inside as well. So I think that at lease a quarter
or a sixth of the building should be used as a blank space and the rest to be
filled with more luxurious art.
I really liked the shape of the building because it is unshaped and that’s what
I call architecture because to me architecture goes beyond than what we see
everyday and the Guggenheim Museum is a beautiful piece of architecture.