Friday, May 31, 2013

Short Project: A Place Where Teenagers Build Responsibility

In this short project what we, my group, decided to do was create a place that is similar to a school because we feel like if we forget about school they will become the opposite of what the goal is. The main building is two stories high where it has a working area, cafeteria, and restrooms but there are no teachers because then that would just create a school and we don’t want that necessarily. A teacher will come in he morning to post what the student will have to do and it will be up to them if they want to do the assignments or not. We think that teenagers aren’t fully on the go of responsibility and so they need a little push.
Since our place had to be like a village we created dorms that are across the main building. There are three separate dorms, a male’s dorm, female’s dorm, and a coed dorm.
There are also pools for teenagers to have fun and a main theater where teenagers can do presentations or give out information. We put these things there because aside from having responsibility it is important that in the life of teenagers to exist fun. As well as there will be a track-field for any sports that teenagers want to play.
And this is our short project. A place where responsibility will be taught and fun will not be missed.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Short Project: House for 1 Person

My house I decided to make it two stories high because I don’t want everything to be conjugated into one floor. Also because I don’t want to feel too squished in a house so since I couldn’t make more room in the wide range then I will in the length range. In the 2nd floor we have my bedroom and a bathroom. In the ceiling of my roof there is a skylight that will radiate my whole room when there is Sunlight.  There will also be a window in the front of my bedroom because I would like for my house to be located in a place where when I open the curtains of my front window I will find myself with a spectacular view- maybe of a forest or maybe of the sea. My room will be painted royal blue because I want it at night to be dark and in the morning when the sun radiates it the color will look very vivid in my room. My bathroom I want it to be a yellow color simply because I feel like the bathroom shouldn’t be obscure.
In the first floor we have the kitchen that will be decorated with kitchen materials and the feeling of the kitchen to be a kitchen because I like to cook and since my kitchen as an important value in my daily values I want to decorate to show its importance to me. We then have the living room that will contain sofas and TV. The living room I also want it to be yellow or a light color because light colors mean “welcomness” while dark colors don’t. In between the living room and the kitchen we have a white, transparent swirling ladders that leads me to my bedroom. There is also an elevator for whatever case if I get lazy to walk up the ladders every single day which the ladder will also be the first thing that someone would see when they open my front door.
The shape d my building I decided to make it round because I don’t want to enclose myself in a box so I thought that a circular shape would be much better.

Meso-American Haiku

So old but vivid
Very smart and creative
Creators of God


I chose to write this haiku because the Mesopotamian architecture is very old. It started in 2000B.C. and ended in 1500A.D. and although it is very old architecture, what still remains is very vivid due to the material that was used to create the buildings. One goes and see’s them in person and may feel like if they are living inside that history. The creators of these buildings that God created were very smart and creative because of the way that they build the temples and pyramids that although were captured and tried to be destroyed, their original image is still there like the Great Pyramid in which the Spaniards took over and converted it into a church which from far away the original Great Pyramid can still be seen. So even though they were “rebuilt” their original meaning and building will always remain.

Indian Architecture Haiku

Rock Architecture
Is what India is made of

I decided to make this haiku with the words that it has because in India the architecture that they have is mostly made out of rock. Since rock is a very hard material that cannot be destroyed so easily. Rock can also be maintained, can stand up, for thousands of years like the pyramids and Roman architecture have.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Field Trip to SF

In the field trip that we went it was really interesting due to all the buildings that we went to. We first went to the St.Mary’s Church which was interesting from the outside from the fact that of its interesting shape. The shape it had from the outside was like a triangle because all its angles were coming together in the top making it look like a triangle. From the inside it was really beautiful because of all the shapes and material it contained.  The church had a lot of marble that looked like it was taken really well off because of how shiny and clean it is taken care of. It also had wood in the walls, tile in the floor, glass in the chandelier, and it was either stone or cement what the rest was made of.
I also think that the organ was really interesting because it was very complicated in the sense of all the “poles” that it had where the sound comes out. I thought that it was very pretty as well because I have only seen organs that big in movies like “Beauty and the Beast”. Seeing in in person impressed me not necessarily the music that it was playing but the size of it and how complicated it looked to be constructed.
The SF church was beautiful. Its silence was magnificent. The paintings and the sculptures the church had were very interesting. I loved it completely.
Queen Anne’s houses in the contrary thought that they were ugly. I didn’t like them because they were old and the colors I felt didn’t match them. Some designs that the houses had were interesting but aside from that I didn’t like the houses at all.
Overall, I really liked that we just looked at the buildings and did sketches, not like last time in which we had to present each building. Although the artifacts of the building was interesting because we got to know about the building I think that sketching the building is much better, which left me thinking that this fieldtrip was much better than the last.