Thursday, May 30, 2013

Meso-American Haiku

So old but vivid
Very smart and creative
Creators of God


I chose to write this haiku because the Mesopotamian architecture is very old. It started in 2000B.C. and ended in 1500A.D. and although it is very old architecture, what still remains is very vivid due to the material that was used to create the buildings. One goes and see’s them in person and may feel like if they are living inside that history. The creators of these buildings that God created were very smart and creative because of the way that they build the temples and pyramids that although were captured and tried to be destroyed, their original image is still there like the Great Pyramid in which the Spaniards took over and converted it into a church which from far away the original Great Pyramid can still be seen. So even though they were “rebuilt” their original meaning and building will always remain.

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't the title to read Mesoamerican Architecture instead?
