Our short
project was “The apple store in 2106” and my idea was that the building will be
set in ground just so apple could keep being accessible for everyone. To make
the apple store really noticeable I decided to make the building the actual
shape of their logo that is the apple. The store though would be on top of a
rectangular building for support and that building in the bottom served as a
museum that showed the apple products from the beginning to their present day
and then it would have some stairs in the center to take one up to the actual
apple store.
In the apple
store there would be two floors and all the products would be there. The apple
building would be made out of glass and the bottom building would be made out
of steal and concrete.
Also, at
night, when the store is closed the apple building will soar up in the sky and
start glowing in different colors to make it look like a really big “star” in
the sky just to show that the apple
company is very powerful and then the building will come back down again and
the routine continues.
I liked your 2106 apple building and the idea of having the sign glow at night, like the bat signal for batman.