For the past three days we have had a lecture a day of the three
properties that architecture should follow in order to make a building
successful which are in Latin: Utilitas, Firmitas, and Venustas, which were
thought by Marcus Vitruvius. These three properties are very important to make
a building very successful. A building might not have all three properties all
the time and that can cause the building to not be successful, so in my opinion
it is very important that a building has those three properties.
The first of the 3 properties is Utilitas (utility) means
“Form follows function” which means that when the building is made, it has to
have a purpose. For example, a hospital building is to cure people and the way
that the building is built through its color and size reflects the usage and
purpose of that hospital. The form of the hospital follows the functionality.
The second property that Vitruvius made was Firmitas, which means
firmness. The way the building was built must suit is purpose. For example,
there can be solid and heavy buildings like the Alhambra Palace, light
buildings made of glass, buildings that have vaults and domes like the Santa
Maria del Flore Church, arches and trusses and that will have firmness because
its making the building be stable.
Finally Venustas, which means beauty. In order for a building to have
beauty it has to rank high in the following elements: proportion, scale,
rhythm, symmetry, texture, light, and color. With out these elements a building
can’t be beautiful. Proportion means that the building ha equal measurements or
that they are reflected in parts of the building, scale means size and the
people and the buildings around it have to be comfortable and fit perfectly.
Rhythm means that there is a pattern in the building; symmetry means that one
side of the building reflects the other side of the building. Texture means the
material that the building are made of, light means the amount of light and how
that light enters the building and color are the colors used to make the
building welcoming and happy.
In the end, in order for a building to be a complete beauty it has to
have the three properties that Marcus Vitruvius mentioned.
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